Monday, September 23, 2013

Worms on our Table?

A bit of a start this morning for My Idiot Mom when she noticed dead worms on our kitchen table.  She hadn't had her coffee yet or she would have seen sooner that it was last night's that spaghetti dried on the table overnight because she forgot to wipe off the table after dinner.  Phew.  (Secretly, I hope it's worms next time.)  I love My Idiot Mom.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Mom! Look What I've Found!

Turns out, this was an indigo bunting bird that I found and rode my bike one-handed to be able to carry it home!  My Idiot Mom was really surprised, but glad I didn't have a huge spider or something dead in my hands instead!  We put him inside an aquarium to rest and about a half hour later he woke up and flew away, thanks to Mom's care and mine!  I love My Idiot Mom!